JOPR’s template, which is a standard format that facilitates the manuscript writing and copyediting process. This template is created to provide a detail and clear house style of JOPR. The template is drafted according to JOPR’s house style, but in standard word version format. When writing a paper, authors need to format their papers to fit into the journal’s house style. To make this easier, Word templates are available for many of other established journals, ready for them to download and apply to their research paper format. It is crucial for author to write a research paper while considering formatting. Each journal has its own guidelines for formatting; hence, the template defines how an article will look when it is published online or in print.



This is established to provide a detail and clear aims and scope for author reference. Authors should declare in the cover letter how the research fits the aims and scope of JOPR.

JOPR’s Aims & Scope: DOWNLOAD IN PDF<br>


A detail listing of JOPR’s house style for authors and a checklist to facilitate the copyediting process and standardise the copyediting process. The JOPR’s house style remains the same and is drafted into a detail version for author’s reference.

JOPR’s house style: DOWNLOAD IN PDF


A recognition certificate will be issued to appreciate and acknowledge reviewer’s work while attracting reputational academicians, lecturers and researchers for their valuable comments.

Guidelines for Online Submission


1. Cover Letter ( Mandatory)

All submissions should be accompanied by a cover letter that includes the corresponding author’ contact information including full name, e-mail address, phone number, and mailing address (corresponding author). In cover letter, authors should provide a brief overview of the work, explain the objective and novelty of this research and state the possible importance of the findings. Authors must declare in the cover letter their research fits to which AIMS AND SCOPE of JOPR and explain the appropriateness for the readership of JOPR. Please also specify the total number of figures and tables in the manuscript (NOT MORE THAN A TOTAL OF 10 FIGURES AND TABLES). It must also include a statement indicating that the article has not been published or uploaded in other platforms and is not being submitted simultaneously to other journals. Hence, the statement of “We confirm that this manuscript has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration by any other journals. All authors have approved the manuscript and agree with submission to Journal of Oil Palm Research” must be included.

2. Manuscript (Mandatory)

Format and follow the JOPR’s house styles as stated in JOPR’s template in Microsoft Word.

3. Highlights (Mandatory)

Highlights are mandatory for JOPR, as they play a crucial role in enhancing the visibility of your article through search engines. They comprise a concise set of bullet points that succinctly convey the unique findings of your research, along with any innovative methodologies employed in the study. Please refer to the provided  Example Highlights for guidance.

Please prepare your Highlights in a separate word file using the title ‘Highlights’. Include 3 to 5 bullet points, each consisting of a maximum of 85 characters (including spaces). This file can be submitted through the online submission system Microsoft Word.

4. Graphical abstract (optional)

Although a graphical abstract is optional, its use is encouraged as it draws more attention to the online article. The graphical abstract should summarize the contents of the article in a concise, pictorial form designed to capture the attention of a wide readership. Graphical abstracts should be submitted as a separate file in the online submission system.


1. Cover Letter (Mandatory)

All submissions should be accompanied by a cover letter that includes the corresponding author’ contact information including full name, e-mail address, phone number, and mailing address (corresponding author). In cover letter, authors should provide a brief overview of the work, explain the objective and novelty of this research and state the possible importance of the findings. Authors must declare in the cover letter their research fits to which AIMS AND SCOPE of JOPR and explain the appropriateness for the readership of JOPR. Please also specify the total number of figures and tables in the manuscript (NOT MORE THAN A TOTAL OF 10 FIGURES AND TABLES). It must also include a statement indicating that the article has not been published or uploaded in other platforms and is not being submitted simultaneously to other journals. Hence, the statement of “We confirm that this manuscript has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration by any other journals. All authors have approved the manuscript and agree with submission to Journal of Oil Palm Research” must be included.

2. Revised Manuscript – clean version (Mandatory)

The clean version is manuscript (Microsoft Word) with all the changes made but without the (tracked) changes highlighted, that is, without the Track Changes option selected. There should be no comments either. This version is to send for proofing in case your manuscript is accepted for publication.

3. Revised Manuscript – marked (Mandatory)

The marked version is manuscript (Microsoft Word) with changes highlighted in RED coloured text so that reviewers and editors can detect the changes you have made since the original submission. The best way to show these changes is the “Track Changes” option.

4. Response to Reviewers (Mandatory)

A list of detail changes by stating which part of the manuscript has been revised (with line number). When revising your manuscript, please consider all issues mentioned in the reviewers’ comments carefully: please outline every change made in response to their comments, provide suitable rebuttals for any comments not addressed. Please note that your revised submission may need to be re-reviewed.

5. Copyright Transfer Agreement (PDF) (Mandatory)

Please download the Copyright Transfer Agreement, fillout and submit during the revision as shown in the Aries system.

6. Figures (optional)

Authors can upload images of at least 500 dpi for each figure in JPEG (upload individually) to ensure good printing quality.


Regular Article

Full-length original empirical investigations, consisting of introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusions. Original work must provide references and an explanation on research findings that contain new and significant findings. Conclusion should be brief and focus on the research output, should not be in point form. These papers should not exceed 6000 words of text (including tables, figures and references) and generally not more than a total of 10 figures and tables. After peer-review, the article word count limit can be extended to a maximum of 8,000 words to better address the reviewers’ and editors’ comments. Any additional figures or tables can be included in the supplementary data. Please note that papers submitted to JOPR will be sent back to authors because of poor figure resolution or exceeding the number of figures permitted.

Short Communication

Significant new information to readers of the Journal in a short but complete form. Preferably not exceeding 3000 words (including tables, figures and references), and is intended for rapid publication. They are not intended for publishing preliminary results or to be a reduced version of regular article.

Review Article

Critical evaluation of materials about current research that have already been published by organising, integrating, and evaluating previously published materials. Re-analyses as meta- analysis and systemic reviews are encouraged. Review articles provide systemic overview, evaluation and interpretation of research in a given field. They should not exceed 12 000 words (excluding references only) and should contain no more than a total of 20 figures and tables. Any additional figures or tables can be included in the supplementary data. Please note that papers submitted to JOPR will be sent back to authors because of poor figure resolution or exceeding the number of figures permitted. The same information should not be repeated in a figure and a table.


Authors are expected to consider carefully the list and order of authors before submitting their manuscript and provide the definitive list of authors at the time of the original submission. Any addition, deletion or rearrangement of author names in the authorship list should be made only before the manuscript has been accepted and only if approved by the journal Editor. To request such a change, the Editor must receive the following from the corresponding author: (a) the reason for the change in author list and (b) written confirmation (e-mail, letter) from all authors that they agree with the addition, removal or rearrangement. In the case of addition or removal of authors, this includes confirmation from the author being added or removed.

No additions, deletions or changes to authorship of a paper will be permitted after the article is accepted.


Please write your text in good English (only British English is accepted). We do not accept American English or a mixture of these.




Uppercase, Bold, Times New Roman, Font Size 16, Centered

Authors’ Name & Affiliation

Uppercase, bold, Times New Roman, font size 12, centered, superscript 1, 2, 3 etc. to indicate affiliation, superscript * to indicate corresponding author.


Indicate authors’ affiliation with superscript 1, 2, 3, etc. and start each address on new line:


1Malaysian Palm Oil Board, 6 Persiaran Institusi, Bandar Baru Bangi, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia.

2Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.

3Malaysian Timber Industry Board, 42700, Banting, Selangor, Malaysia.

*Corresponding author e-mail:


An abstract is required for every paper. Your abstract should give readers a brief summary of your article. It should concisely describe the contents of your article, and include key terms. It should be informative, accessible and not only indicate the general scope of the article but also state the main results obtained and conclusions drawn. The abstract should be complete in itself; it should not contain undefined abbreviations and no table numbers, figure numbers, references or equations should be referred to. It should be suitable for direct inclusion in abstracting services and should be within 150-200 words.


3-5 words; lowercase, Times New Roman; font size 12; arrange alphabetically

E.g.: anaerobic-aerobic, biogas, biological oxygen demand, palm oil.


In general, the contents should comprise of Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement and References. In introduction, state the objectives of the work and provide an adequate background, avoiding a detailed literature survey or a summary of the results.

Materials and Methods

Provide sufficient detail to allow the work to be reproduced. You will usually want to divide your article into first order headings and second order headings (perhaps even third order headings). Headings should reflect the relative importance of the sections. Methods should be described in past tense as you are describing work that was carried out to achieve the objective of the study.

Results and Discussion

The result should include main findings of the study. It is important to avoid extensive citations and focus on the description of published literature. Results should be clear and concise and the discussion should reveal the significance of the work.

Figures & Tables

All illustrations must be labelled and supplied on after introducing in the text. The illustrations of photographs, schemas, graphs and diagrams are to be referred as figures. Figure is to demonstrate trend or leading to a conclusive statement, and is a raw spectrum or chromatography that should be accepted in a scientific article. Figures should be placed at the top or bottom of a page wherever possible, as close as possible to the first reference to them in the paper. These illustrations should be referred to and numbered serial, as figures (Figure 1). All Tables and Figures cited in the text must be in italics e.g. Figure 1. The figure number and caption should be typed below the illustration in Times New Roman, font size 12, italic and centered as shown in Figures 1 and 2.

Figure 1. Illustration text and caption should be Times New Roman,
font size 12, italic, centered and included in body text.

Keep text in the illustrations to a minimum but explain all symbols and abbreviations used. All the text and number in the illustrations must be in Times New Roman and font size 10. Please indicate the Y & X-axis as well as the unit measurement. Lettering and symbols should be clearly defined in the caption. Please ensure that all the figures are of at least 500 dpi resolutions as this will facilitate good output. The high resolution of each figure should also be uploaded in ScholarOne system as separate image (in PNG or JPEG format). All illustrations should be clearly drawn in permanent ink or photographed in the form of high contrast glossy prints or digital images and provided in camera ready form.

Figure 2. All the text and number in the illustrations must be in Times New Roman
and font size 12. Lettering and symbols should be clearly defined in the caption.

All tables must be labelled and supplied on after introducing in the text. Tables should be placed at the top or bottom of a page wherever possible, as close as possible to the first reference to them in the paper. These tables should be referred to and numbered serial, as tables (Table 1). Every table should have a caption and headings should be placed above tables. The table number and caption should be typed in uppercase, Times New Roman, font size 12, bold, and centered.

All the text and number in the tables must be in Times New Roman, font size 10 and centered. In the table heading, no initial capitals except for the first word. Lettering and symbols should be clearly defined either in the caption of the table. Only horizontal lines should be used within a table, to distinguish the column headings from the body of the table, and immediately above and below the table. Table 1 is an example which the authors may find useful. Please ensure that the data presented in figures or tables do not duplicate results described elsewhere in the article.


The information presented in the acknowledgment section should be kept brief, identify the contributors responsible for specific parts of the project. It should only mention people directly involved with the project from a sponsoring institution, other researchers who have helped in the preparation.


References in the text should be denoted by giving the name(s) of the author(s). All alphabetically ordered references list should be included at the end of the manuscript. All references cited in the text must appear in the reference list and vice versa. Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all information in the reference. Manuscripts must confirm to the references in Journal of Oil Palm Research (JOPR) style. The references style adopted should be consistent throughout the manuscript.

Below are the examples for journal articles, books, books chapter, proceedings, website, thesis and others.

a) Books with One or More Authors

Name of author(s) (Year of Publication). Title of book (italic in print, underlined in typescript), edition, volume, name of publisher, Publisher’s location, first and last pages of portions referred to.

Anonymous work may be cited with ‘Anon’ in place of the author’s name.

e.g. Ariffin Darus (2000). Major diseases of oil palm. Advances in Oil Palm Research (Yusof Basiron; Jalani, B S and Chan, K W eds.). MPOB, Bangi. p. 596-623.

MPOB (2019). Malaysian Oil Palm Statistics 2019. 39th edition. MPOB. Bangi. 207 pp.

b) Journal Articles

Name of author(s) (Year of publication). Title or article. Abbreviated name of journal (italics), first and last page of the article, DOI Number.

e.g. Parveez, G K A; Bahariah, B; Ayub, N H; Masani, M Y A; Rasid, O A; Tarmizi, A H and Ishak, Z (2015). Production of polyhydroxybutyrate in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) mediated by microprojectile bombardment of PHB biosynthesis genes into embryogenic calli. Front. Plant Sci., 6: 598. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00598.

Kushairi, A; Ong-Abdullah, M; Nambiappan, B; Hishamuddin, E; Izzudin, Z B; Razmah, G; Subramaniam, V; Sundram, S and Parveez, G K A (2018). Oil palm economic performance in Malaysia and R&D progress in 2018. J. Oil Palm Res., 31(2): 165-194. DOI: 10.21894/jopr.2019.0026.

c) Non-English References

Name of author(s) (Year of publication). Title of article. Name of publication (italics) (abbreviated, if journal), volume, issue number (if relevant), first and last page of article. Particular care should be taken with diacritical marks: they should be checked against the original and inserted by hand on the typescript (if necessary).

e.g. Reyes Cuesta, R; Bastidas Perez, S and Pena Rojas, E A C (1997). Distribucion del sistema radical de la palma de aceite (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) en Tumaco, Colombia. Revista Palmas, 18: 49-57.

d) Paper Accepted but Not Yet in Print

Name of author(s) (Year of publication). Title or article. Name of publication (italics) (abbreviated, if journal). DOI:

e.g. Ooi, T L; Yong, K C; Dzulkefly, K; Wan Yunus, W M Z and Hazimah, A H (2002). Crude glycerine recovery from glycerol residue waste from a palm kernel oil methyl ester plant. J. Oil Palm Res. DOI: 10.21894/jopr.2019.0026.

e) Paper Presented at a Conference

Name of author(s) (Year of presentation). Title of paper. Title of conference etc. Place, Date, Month and Year.

e.g. Yusof Basiron (2002). Palm oil stock reduction through biofuel program. Paper presented at the National Seminar on Positioning the Malaysian Palm Oil Industry in Challenging Times. Equatorial Hotel, Bangi. 20 February 2001.

f) Personal Communication

Name of person or organisation (Year) Personal Communication. Place.

e.g. Rosidah Radzian (2017). Personal communication. Malaysian Palm Oil Board, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.

g) Paper in Published Proceedings of Conference, Congress, etc.

Name of author(s) (Year of publication). Title of article. Title of proceedings (italics) etc. Place, Year, First and last page of article.

e.g. Mohd Basri Wahid; Norman Kamarudin; Jackson, T and Zulkifli Masijan (2003). Occurence of parasitic nematodes Elaeolenchus parthenonema in the pollinating weevil, Elaeidobius kamerunicus and its possible implications on fruit set. Proc. of the PIPOC 2003 International Palm Oil Congress – Agriculture Conference. MPOB, Bangi. p. 425-448.

h) Thesis

Name of person (Year). Title. Degree for which thesis was written. Name of University, location.

e.g. Parveez, G K A (1998). Optimization of parameters involved in the transformation of oil palm using the biolistics method. Ph.D thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.

e.g. Zainab Idris (1998). Lipase-catalysed synthesis of fatty aminoesters from fatty acids and triethanolamine. Masters thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.

i) Unpublished Data

Name of person. Unpublished data. Name of organisation or institution, location.

e.g. N Balu. Unpublished data. Malaysian Palm Oil Board, Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.

j) Website

Website. (Year). Title of article. (Link), accessed on (date accessed).

e.g. Transparency Market Research (2016). Nutrigenomics market – global industry analysis, size, share, growth, trends and forecast 2012-2018., accessed on 14 March 2016.

e.g. Harrison- Dunn, A-R (2015). Nestle files casein infant formula patent for better insulin sensitivity. Nestle-files-casein-infant- formula-patent-for-betterinsulin-sensitivity, accessed on 14 March 2016.

k) Others

e.g. Junaidah, J; Kushairi, A; Isa, Z A; Mohd Din, A; Noh, A and Rajanaidu, N (2004). PS7: High bunch index breeding population. MPOB Information Series No. 228.