Journal of Oil Palm Research Vol. 16 No. 2, December 2004, p. 12-18
The development of Elaeis guineensis progenies resistant to Ganoderma may provide the ideal long-term solution to basal stem rot, a major disease of oil palm in Malaysia and Indonesia. A study was conducted to select different oil palm progenies for resistance to G. boninense infection. In this study, 12-month-old seedlings from 23 progenies, namely, three DxD, six DxP, three OxO, one OxP, five TxP and five TxT were inoculated with G. boninense using the root inoculation technique. External foliar symptoms developing on seedlings were recorded for a period of 12 months. Twelve months after inoculation, all the seedlings were examined for internal symptoms based on the length of inoculated root lesioned, number of primary roots infected and extent of stem bulb tissues lesioned. Based on reisolation of G. boninense from inoculated seedlings, it was shown that all 23 progenies from the different oil palm crosses were infected by G. boninense. The uninoculated seedlings for each of progenies did not show any signs of disease symptoms or lesions and G. boninense was not present. Some 25.6% of the inoculated seedlings were dead due to G. boninense infection, and there were significant differences between the progenies tested for the severity of foliar symptoms measured. For internal symptoms, there was no significant difference in the length of inoculated roots lesioned. However, the number of primary roots infected and extent of stem bulb tissues lesioned were significantly different. Of the 23 progenies, the most susceptible progeny was PK 2724 [DxD, Deli (Elmina) x Deli (Elmina)], whilst a partially resistant progeny was PK 2567 (DxP, Congo x Cameroon). Partial resistance is expressed by low severity of foliar symptoms and slow progress of Ganoderma infection in the roots and stem tissues
KEYWORDS:* Malaysian Palm Oil Board,
P. O. Box 10620,
50720 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.